Handmade Play Dough Recipe


A couple people asked about the handmade playdough I put up on Wordless Wednesday.  There are actually two different recipes I use.  The first you have to cook over the stove which is a bit messier work but the texture is better, less grainy with the salt being cooked.   I used Wilton’s cake decorating gels which give you the brilliant colors and are still edible, but if you wanted to avoid the artificial coloring,  you could use natural plant dyes.  In addition, we added a few drops of lemon extract to give it a sweet smell.  We recommend, almond and peppermint as well!



1 cup flour
1/2 cup salt
1 cup water
2 tablespoons oil
2 tablespoons cream of tartar

food coloring or gel

Mix flour, salt and oil, and slowly add the water and coloring gel. Cook over medium heat, stirring until dough becomes stiff. Turn out onto wax paper and let cool. Knead the playdough with your hands until of proper consistency.  

















No-Cook Playdough


1 cup table salt

1 1/2 cups flour

4 tablespoons olive oil

4 teaspoons cream of tartar

1 cup water

food coloring


Measure all ingredients into a large bowl and mix by hand.  Depending on the humidity and your measuring skills, if the mixture is too wet add more flour, if too dry add more water.

Shape into a ball and make a shallow well in the center. Drop a few drops of food coloring in the well and  fold the dough over and over until the color is well blended.  If you are careful you may be able to fold without staining your hands, but if you are like me this would be an impossible feat.  But what is the fun of crafts like this without getting messy.







You can store these in leftover glass jars or as we do in plastic baggies.  If they get a bit dry you can just add a few drops of water to refreshen.  Perfectly safe in case wee ones decide to sample a a bit, which if they are like mine, they will!


Filed under girls

3 responses to “Handmade Play Dough Recipe

  1. THANK YOU!! have a wonderful Easter weekend my dear

  2. I use to make loads of playdoh when I had me Scallywags pre-school….. always remember NEVER to leave out the cream of tartar though or after a day it turns to liquid lol


  3. We like to do the no cook recipe, but I add boiling water (instead of cold) and no colour to start, and mix the dough with a spoon, and then knead with washing up gloves on (so I can handle the heat). When it cools a little I make balls of dough and put the colouring in the middle and close them up again. When cool enough for the kids to handle they get a surprise of which colour it will be when they play and knead.
    You have some lovely colours! 🙂

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