Blog Awards..I’m A Real Blogger Now

You see those cute little badges on people’s blogs.  Loving kindness bestowed upon them by a fellow blogger.  Well, I got two this weekend.  How fantastic.

The first was from Tyler, over at Building Camelot, who received and is passing along the Charming Blogger Award, so I will fulfill my Charming duties with a smile and  a wave and thank him and all of you for being my friend:propagating-friendship1-1

The following words are to travel with the award and give you an idea of the meaning of the award: “These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers! Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award.”

You have no idea that I spent the last day trying to narrow down who my eight inductees would be.  So in no certain order they are:

Infectious Chatter (give her a break though she’s moving cross country right now, but enjoy her archives of Sunday Signspotting sure to make you pee your pants).

A Modern Mother

Gohn Crazy

Lip Zip


Leopard Spots

Trey Morgan

Roseberry Life

Hope you enjoy them as much as I have and Thank You, Tyler, you so deserved this award.



My second “Love Your Blog” love was from Kelli at Gohn Crazy, who keeps me laughing on an almost daily basis.  

The Rules: 3031417450_806fd461e0

1. Name 5 things you love.

2. Pass the award to 5 blogs you love to read.

3.Link back to the page of the person who gave you this award.  Which would be me by the way.

Five Things I Love:

1.  My girls.  I created them and have nurtured them for five and seven years.  Every major decision I have made had to have their interests in mind.  They continue to WOW me everyday with how clever and lovely they are becoming.

2. My Family.  I COULD NOT have made it through the last nine months without them.  They listen, they whisper encouragement in my ears, they have cried with me, laughed with me and given me enough financial and emotional support to have me taking care of all of them for the rest of my life.  I seriously do not know how anyone can go through the loss of a marriage without a support system like mine.

3.  Jason Mraz.  I found his music during the time of the separation and he’s about as quirky as they come.  He has quickly bumped my long time love Dave Matthews down to the #2 spot, which I thought would never hapen.  His singing can be equal parts rowdy and smooth, full of get me moving tunes and sexy lyrics that make this single mama’s insides go hooooooo.

4. Hot Tea &  Chocolate.  Okay, I realize this is two things, but do you know how hard it is to only do five, plus these go together.  When I need some comfort this is the best thing I can find.  Every night before bed you will find these in my hands.

5. Harry Potter. Like the other 97% of the world, I got totally swept up in the Harry Potter books.  They are fantastic and just about everyone, I mean everyone, I personally know has read them.  I was a late bloomer though, and didn’t start reading them until right before the release of book six.  I read the first five in I want to say about a week and now have read the whole series three times.  How much do I love Harry Potter?  When my husband and I split I took the computer and to get back at me he stole my most beloved objects, my Harry Potter book collection, both US and British.  I will never forgive him.

That’s about it, so here I am bestowing my love on the following five favorite blogs to read.  You will notice these are less my daily friends and more of my inspiration/mentory type reads.

Uncommon Grace
Grace was the 1st blog I ever read on a regualar basis and inspired me to plunge further into the Waldorf lifestyle.

Little Seedlings

Another of my first blogs I started reading.  These creative mama’s have fueled my transformation as a crafter, a mom and a blogger.

Mommy Pie

Laughter on a regular basis, and a great single mom

The Toy Society

I always swear I’m going to do this and things get in the way, but I just promised one for Christmas.  Leave little stuffed friends around in random places for people to find.  Is there anything better.

Nanny Goats In Panties

Because I love to laugh, I adore goats and who can resist a blog with this name.










Filed under blogs

9 responses to “Blog Awards..I’m A Real Blogger Now

  1. I love Trey’s site! He’s always making me think and it’s cool that you read him as well. Congrats on the other award – it’s always good to get to know people a little better. Oh – and thanks for the wave!

  2. Congrats on your Awards and thank you for choosing my blog. I’m never sure why anyone would want to read it but it’s always nice to know that I’m not just talking to myself!
    Love & Light,

  3. Thank you. 🙂 I’ve gotten that but I will add your link too.

    I have still resisted Harry Potter…and I have not fallen into the Twilight zone either. Maybe one of these days…

    And LOVE Jason Mraz…LOVE HIM.

  4. Congrats on your blog awards!

  5. Aww, shucks! Thanks! And Mr. A to Z is my #1 fave since his first CD came out. In my book, no one else comes close.

    Congratulations on your award.

  6. Congrats on your well deserved award! ~TC

  7. Aw, thanks so much! I’m honored, and as soon as I get my act together I’ll display it proudly on my sidebar! 🙂

    BTW — Harry Potter? Can’t believe I haven’t read any of the books. The pressure’s on though … maybe once I get through the all-consuming Twilight books.

  8. way to go miss award winner 🙂 and my goodness, i go away for a few days and you just shower me with sweetness 🙂 thank you for the award.

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